I agree that the concept of "hate crime" is merely a construct born of political correctness. A crime is a crime, no worse or no less serious simply because of who the victim is. I would only support an "enhanced" penalty if the victim was a public official (like a political figure or a law enforcement officer) AND they were targeted BECAUSE of their status or in connection with performing their official duties.
I also agree that shunning itself should not be outlawed. Such a law could never be enforced anyway. However, I would support a law prohibiting any group, including any religion, from MANDATING that its followers shun certain others. I would even go further and support an official ban of any group or religion that encouraged its followers to physically harm non-members or former members. Just because an ideology masquerades as a religion doesn't give it the right to foment violence against others. They should not be allowed to hide beyond the law.
All that said, I personally don't think that any government should give tax exemptions to ANY religion. If any religious groups claim to be a charity, their activities should be closely examined to determine whether they are actually performing charity work or not. Helping only their followers or designating any kind of proselytizing as "charity" should immediately disqualify them. The blanking Society uses every trick in the book to maintain their "charity" status when anyone who knows anything about them knows they don't do any real charity at all. Their blatant duplicity includes shuffling money around between their various organizations to hide where their money comes from, how it's distributed, and what they use it for.
Blankety blank this forking cult!